Physical and Chemical Parameters of Raw Milk

  • Candy Dulcieri García de Ruiz UPT José Félix Ribas, Territorial division
  • E. Guzmán Torres Departament of Morphophysiology, University of Granma, Cuba
  • Nelson Zaldívar Quintero Departament of Morphophysiology, University of Granma, Cub


The  physical  and  chemical  parameters  of raw  milk  were  evaluated  on dairy  farms  from  the  municipality  of Pedraza, Barinas State, Venezuela. Twenty dairy farms under similar conditions were distributed in two equal groups (A and B). Samples were drawn from the milk container after milking and were tested separately by ultrasound, us- ing four replicas. The variables measured were acidity, density, fat, protein, and cryoscopy. A descriptive statistical analysis and a simple variance analysis (ANOVA) were performed. The parameter values for both groups matched the Covenin Standards; however, cryoscopy showed lower values in group B. Variance analysis indicated a significant difference (P < 0.001). Milk manipulation and delivery from farms to the plant may account for this difference. Moreover, the variation in acidity values owed to seasonal changes.


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Cómo citar
García de Ruiz, C. D., Guzmán Torres, E., & Zaldívar Quintero, N. (2018). Physical and Chemical Parameters of Raw Milk. Revista De Producción Animal, 25(1), 13-16. Recuperado a partir de,
Manejo y Alimentación