Carbo vegetabilis at 30 CH and Belacol 100 in the treatment of swine diarrhea

  • Florángel Vidal Fernández Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba
  • Iván Peña García Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba
  • Guillermo Barreto Argilagos Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba
  • Ramón de la Torre Cánovas Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba
  • Alaidis Tamayo González Swine Farm Pablo Miguel Nápoles, Guáimaro, Camagüey, Cuba


Carbo vegetabilis at 30 HC, a homeopathic remedy, and Belacol 100, were economic and clinically compared in treating piglets with diarrhea. A sample of eighty 10-day old animals with an initial mean weight of 2.6 kg distrib- uted into two groups was studied. Group I received ten sublingual drops of Carbo vegetabilis at 30 HC every 12 hours for five days, while Group II was orally administered 260 mg/kg of Belacol 100 for five days. A chi-square test of 5 % significance and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed. Piglet appetite showed no significant differences on the third and fifth days under treatment; however, weight gain was highly significant (P < 0.001) in those homoeopathically treated. On the other hand, this therapy proved to be more economic than the conventional one.


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Cómo citar
Vidal Fernández, F., Peña García, I., Barreto Argilagos, G., de la Torre Cánovas, R., & Tamayo González, A. (2018). Carbo vegetabilis at 30 CH and Belacol 100 in the treatment of swine diarrhea. Revista De Producción Animal, 25(1), 23-29. Recuperado a partir de,
Salud Animal