PRAGACC: A System to Identify Vulnerabilities and Classify Livestock Farms
PRAGACC is a system designed to classify cattle units, determine their weaknesses and make decisions to miti- gate them. This system is composed of two matrixes or subsystems: (I) natural resources and (II) other resources. Each matrix comprises the following variables: microclimate (A), soil (B), hydrology (C), flora and vegetation (D), and on-production animals (E) for subsystem I, and economy (F), production (G), and human resources (H) for subsystem II. Variables are determined according to 26 and 28 components for subsystems I and II, respectively. Criteria to evaluate each variable were gathered by applying a 34-question inquiry to a farmer from the studied cattle unit. A previously fixed value for each answer according to the questions contributed to the answer-related components and these, in turn, to the variables. Units classification under a subsystem depends on the number of variables showing any kind of weakness. This classification is useful in determining measures to be implemented and their priority.
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