Efficacy of Three Anti-helminthics against Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus in Private Farm Swine
Three antihelminthic agents were evaluated to treat swine infested by M. hirudinaceous in a private cooperative. Feces were sampled out of 215 swine between the ages of 4 and 10 months and processed by the sedimentation helminth-ovoscopic technique to find out animals infested by this acantocephalid. Parasite-infested swine were dis- tributed in three groups with 50 individuals each. Group 1 received a weekly intramuscular dose of levamizole at
10 %; group 2 was also weekly treated with a subcutaneous dose of ivermectin at 1 %; and group 3, was orally ad- ministered Praziquantel every week. The data were processed by the statistical package SPSS (version 15.0). Two independent samples were applied Mann-Whitney´s non-parametric U test to detect treatment interrelation. Fre- quency results were graphically expressed in percents. The prevalence ratio was 69,7 %. The three anti-helminthic agents were effective; however, ivermectin and Praziquantel reached higher null-infestation percentages with only one dose compared to levamizole. A follow-up study comprising P.M. examination of swine is recommended.
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